The Witch’s Castle

Nestled deep within the lush forests of Forest Park in Oregon, The Witch’s Castle, also known as the Balch Creek Stone Restrooms, stands as a haunting reminder of a tragic love story turned deadly. Steeped in history, this abandoned stone structure has become a magnet for ghost hunters, history enthusiasts, and thrill-seekers alike.

A Tale of Love, Betrayal, and Tragedy

In the mid-1800s, the land where The Witch’s Castle now stands was owned by Danford Balch, a man whose life took a fateful turn when his daughter, Anna, fell in love with an itinerant worker named Mortimer Stump. Balch vehemently opposed their relationship, leading to a series of events that culminated in a fatal shooting. Mortimer Stump’s tragic demise and Danford Balch’s subsequent execution marked the beginning of the dark history associated with this mysterious site.

The Birth of The Witch’s Castle

Following years of changing ownership, the land was eventually acquired by the city of Portland. In the 1930s, a stone structure was erected near the Balch homestead site, serving as a park ranger station and restrooms for hikers. However, the structure fell into disrepair and was abandoned in the 1960s after sustaining severe damage in a storm.

Supernatural Encounters and Paranormal Phenomena

Over the years, visitors to The Witch’s Castle have reported a myriad of ghostly encounters. Some claim to have seen apparitions of the Balch family and Mortimer Stump, while others have experienced unsettling feelings and inexplicable chills within the restrooms. Mysterious orbs, strange noises, and alleged intelligent responses captured through EVP have only deepened the site’s mystique, drawing paranormal enthusiasts to explore its haunted depths.

A Mystery Unraveled

The origin of the name “Witch’s Castle” has puzzled many. One theory suggests that Danford Balch accused his wife of bewitching him into committing the murder, although historical evidence supporting this claim is scarce. Another theory ties the name to the local teenagers who frequented the site in the 1980s, possibly influenced by the era’s Satanic Panic. Regardless of its origins, the name has added an aura of mystery and intrigue to the already eerie location.


The Witch’s Castle plays an intricate role in Oregon’s rich history, encapsulating a tale of love, betrayal, and tragedy within its moss-covered stones. As visitors continue to explore its haunted halls, the site’s mysterious past continues to captivate the curious and the brave. Whether one believes in the supernatural or not, there’s no denying the palpable sense of mystery that pervades this secluded spot in the heart of the Oregon wilderness, making The Witch’s Castle an enduring legend that will continue to fascinate generations to come.

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