The Ancient Ram Inn

Nestled in the quaint market town of Wotton-under-Edge, Gloucestershire, England, stands a building with a history as dark and mysterious as it is ancient. The Ancient Ram Inn, dating back to 1145, is a Grade II listed structure that has become synonymous with the paranormal. Its reputation as one of the most haunted places in the United Kingdom has drawn the attention of countless paranormal investigators, television crews, and brave souls seeking to unlock the mysteries hidden within its walls.

A Chronicle of Dark History

The roots of the Ancient Ram Inn delve deep into the past. Initially constructed to accommodate laborers building St. Mary’s Church opposite, this inn has witnessed 115 owners and a slew of unsettling events. Beneath its timeworn floorboards lay the haunting remnants of a pagan burial ground. In 1997, bones were discovered, believed to be those of a woman and child, victims of ritual sacrifice dating back to a time before Christianity’s arrival.

The Haunted Residents

The inn’s notoriety as a paranormal hotspot stems from the multitude of spirits that are said to roam its corridors. One of the most prominent is the tormented soul of a woman accused of witchcraft, who met her fiery end at the stake. Visitors have reported glimpses of her face peering from a bedroom window, a chilling testament to her lingering presence.

The Bishop’s Room, a nerve-racking location within the inn, has seen its share of otherworldly phenomena. Monks, a Cavalier, and a woman hanging from the rafters are among the apparitions witnessed here. The room’s most sinister occupant, however, is a sex demon, believed to be either an incubus or a succubus, known to assault those who dare spend the night.

Paranormal Encounters

Visitors to the Ancient Ram Inn have encountered a litany of paranormal phenomena. Highly localized cold spots, inexplicable temperature drops, and icy gusts of air have sent shivers down the spines of many. Doors have slammed shut of their own accord, furniture has moved mysteriously, and enigmatic knocking has echoed through its haunted halls.

Sudden pools of water, unexplained odors, and physical sensations of being grabbed by unseen hands have left witnesses in a state of dread. Some have even reported being physically dragged from their beds at night, victim to an unseen force.

The Gender-Shifting Demon

Perhaps the most unsettling presence at the Ancient Ram Inn is a demonic entity that targets individuals while they sleep. This entity, variously described as an incubus or a succubus, adapts its gender to match that of its victim, exemplifying the inn’s deeply unsettling character.

Famous Encounters

The inn’s reputation as a paranormal hotspot led to its feature on numerous television shows and investigations. During one such investigation by the “Most Haunted” crew, a team member reported being physically attacked, a harrowing incident that left a lasting impact.

The Exorcism That Failed

Rev John Yates, a former Bishop of Gloucester, once tried to exorcise the inn. However, his attempts proved futile, and he later declared it “the most evil place” he had ever visited.


The Ancient Ram Inn’s history is as murky as the spirits said to haunt it. As it stands today, this ancient structure serves as a witness to the mysteries that lie beyond the realm of the living. Its reputation as Britain’s most haunted location continues to draw the curious and the brave, offering them a chance to experience the supernatural firsthand. Whether one is a believer or a skeptic, a visit to the Ancient Ram Inn is sure to leave an indelible mark on the soul, forever intertwining its history with the unexplained.

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