The Mystery of SS Governor

March 1921 marked a foggy night on the waters of Puget Sound, off the coast of Port Townsend. It was on this eerie night that the SS Governor, a majestic 417-foot-long passenger liner, met with a catastrophic fate. A routine voyage from San Francisco to Seattle turned into a tale of collision, disaster, and, ultimately, a treasure hunt that would span decades.

The Fateful Collision

The SS Governor had just dropped off passengers at Victoria, Canada, and was en route to Puget Sound. All was seemingly routine until, out of the dense fog, emerged a freighter, the West Hartland. In a horrifying collision, the West Hartland’s bow penetrated the starboard side of the SS Governor, creating a massive gash but not splitting the ship in two.

The Captain of the West Hartland, Alwen, made a quick decision. He ordered “Full Steam Ahead,” effectively plugging the hole in the SS Governor and preventing her immediate sinking. However, the electricity went out immediately, and the ship started taking on water rapidly. Passengers and crew had to make a daring escape from the sinking vessel to the West Hartland.

Within just 20 minutes of the collision, the SS Governor disappeared into the depths of Puget Sound, taking with it all of its treasures and contents. It rested upright in a staggering 240 feet of water, making any hope of salvage seemingly impossible.

The Quest for Treasures

The sinking of the SS Governor ignited a quest to recover its lost treasures. Over the decades, multiple salvage attempts were made, each more daring and technologically advanced than the last.

The Pioneers

In 1976, explorers Kelly Finn and Eric Morris became the first to venture down to the shipwreck. Their goal was to uncover the mysterious safe rumored to contain San Francisco $20 gold pieces. Though they did not retrieve the safe, they paved the way for future endeavors.

A Second Attempt

Finn and Morris returned in 1981, this time with divers Steve Ballard and Russ Barnes. Despite their best efforts, the treasures remained elusive, buried deep within the SS Governor.

Hype and Abandonment

The Argonaut society, led by Kent Barnard, created a media frenzy when they estimated the treasure’s worth at $1.5 million. They attempted to salvage it using a two-man submarine. However, the dangerous currents and unpredictable tides proved too treacherous, leading to four unsuccessful attempts and the eventual abandonment of the operation.

Northwest Salvage Ventures

Another group, Northwest Salvage Ventures, tried their luck but faced mishaps, diving difficulties, and the relentless underwater conditions. The operation was called off due to safety concerns.

Ambitious Plans

Maritime Consultants (formerly Maritime Ventures) announced their procurement of salvage rights and declared they were going all out to raise the safe and historical artifacts. Their estimated combined value was a staggering $4 million. While they recovered some impressive artifacts, the gold and the safe remained elusive.

The Search Continues

Maritime Consultants made another attempt in 1992, using Heliox dives from the surface. Despite methodical exploration and determination, they still came up empty-handed in their quest for the safe and gold.

A New Dive

In October 1999, a small group of Fifth Dimension divers, including Peo Orvendal, joined the expedition to survey and document the SS Governor. This dive aimed to explore the ship’s stern for signs of the elusive safe. While they did not find the safe, the dive provided valuable insights into the wreck’s condition.

Further Exploration

The following year, another team of divers, including Andrew Georgitsis and Brock Wheaton, used rebreathers and scooters to produce footage from stern to bow. This dive was successful, providing valuable documentation for further analysis. Another team, Walter Jaccard and Pat Paustain, focused on the stern, where they hoped to find the safe. While they did not locate the safe, they contributed to the historical record with their findings.


The story of the SS Governor is a fascinating tale of adventure, exploration, and perseverance. Despite numerous attempts, the elusive safe and its treasures remain hidden beneath the depths of Puget Sound. Each expedition brought its own challenges and discoveries, adding to the mystique surrounding this shipwreck.

While the treasures of the SS Governor may remain submerged, the story of its exploration continues to captivate adventurers and historians alike. It serves as a reminder of the ongoing allure of lost treasures and the relentless pursuit of the unknown in the deep sea.

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